Meet Our Team and Discover the Meaning Behind Our Products

The Cause of (y)our Products

Each BAGASY product is unique and created by a woman who has put all her heart and many years of experience into its creation.
Every purchase you make helps us continue to work with these wonderful older women who create truly unique hand-knitted products.
We don't have a factory.
We have no working hours.
We have no bosses and no norms.
We have amazing women who create your bags from their homes and hearts.


Out Team

Gergana Todorova
Gery is the heart and soul of our brand.
She has over 50 years of knitting experience and has made many of the unique clothes and bags, that you will find in our boutique. Each of our products is tested and approved by Geri before being published on our website.
Gery is the proud mother of Monica and Boris, who are also part of the family business.
Snezha created for us a huge number of unique sweaters, hats, gloves and many other clothes and items.
Like many other elderly ladies in Bulgaria, she has a lot of free time and limited income. We are very happy that we managed to attract her to our team!
Dora is excellent at knitting. Her sense of mixing colors and patterns is unique.
A pensioner due to illness, even before she reaches retirement age, she has to live on a negligible pension, which is not enough for anything. She manages to meet her daily needs thanks to her two daughters. Despite her many illnesses and problems, she tries to lead an active lifestyle with short daily walks.
One of the most unloading things for her is knitting; the income it brings her is more than welcome.
Charming, witty and energetic, Villy is another of our talented knitters.
A retiree with a lot of free time will soon be in her 70s, but she is still riding a bike for health! She created some of our great products, which you can find here.
As with many other elderly people in Bulgaria, most of Villy's small pension is spent for medicine. With her unique knits, Villy manages not only to secure a calmer old age, but also a pleasant time while working, drinking coffee and laughing at some stories with the other knitters from our team.
Vanya manages to combine her work (selling shoes in a small local shop) with her hobby - knitting! This brings her additional finances.
Especially after she entered the active life of a Bulgarian retiree, for her knitting is not only a great pastime, but also an opportunity to express her views on fashion and what would make you unique.
While you are wondering whether or not to buy shoes from another site, you can browse the unique products knitted by Vanya.
Like the mother and the daughter, Monica is artistic, talented and responsible.
Inheriting her mother's knitting hands, she contributes immensely to the variety of our products with her unique solutions. She is also the only member of the team who is responsible for lining the products they need. She also plays a key role in finding people with good knitting skills.
Together with Boris, she shares some of the responsibilities of running the small family business.
Boris is the only member of the team who has never caught knitting needles (on the other hand he has the largest wardrobe of hand-knitted clothes!).
He is not only the technical person behind the website, but also several other key links in the chain. Boris is responsible for transporting and supplying yarn, handing it over to knitters, returning it when it is not the right color and quality, and he is also the photographer, trader and public relations. It ensures the financial stability of the company by ensuring that each knitter will receive their money after completing the product without having to wait for a sale.
Maybe one day he'll knit something too.